Barre 9, 27m
This barre workout is all about full range of motion with very controlled motion and small range of motion being very present in the body to shake, burn and change! You will need something sturdy to hold onto. Watch your form and listen for my modifications if you are just beginning!
Up Next in Intermediate
Lower Barre w/ Ball 20m
This is a leg target using classic barre moves. You will need a mat to workout on, something to hold onto for balance and your SBF ball. If you do not have the SBF ball you can use a rolled up towel to substitute.
Barre 7, 33m
This is a total body barre workout using classic barre moves. If you have ever attended a BarreAmped class at one of the studios this will feel familiar to you! You will need a mat to workout on, something sturdy to hold onto for balance and a light set of hand weights. #shaketochange #barre
Pump Up the Jam, 23m
workout with 90s music cardio interval