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Pretzel, 10m
Quick Pretzel Lift in this glute and hamstring target with no warmup. All you need is a mat.
Up Next in Intermediate
BarreAmped® Boot Camp Arm Work, 11m
Beginner, intermediate, and advanced arm work in this BarreAmped® Boot Camp routine with NO warmup. Please add the warmup before you start. You will need a light set of hand weights.
BarreAmped® Fire Sleek & Toned Should...
Short, advanced arm workout from BarreAmped® Fire Extreme Sculpt DVD. You will need light hand weights for this workout.
Upper Core + Cardio & Weights, 23m
Advanced plank workout with modifications which uses mat exercises, weights and cardio intervals to define the arms and build strength. Jamiroquai compliments of ASCAP licensing. Have Fun!